Web Authoring and Publishing
Computer Information Technology at Hesston College *

Improving Photos for the Web (GIMP)

  1. Full screen (View | Zoom | Fit Image in Window)
  2. Layer | New from Visible, then be sure new layer is selected
  3. Colors | Levels and/or Colors | Shadows-Highlights
  4. Colors | Brightness-Contrast
  5. Colors | Saturation
  6. Filter | Enhance | Sharpen
  7. File | Save(.xcf is Gimp format) and/or File | Export (jpg or png)

Sizing Photos for the Web (Adobe Photoshop)

  1. Open the fill-size image
  2. Image | Scale Image
  3. Change the resolution to 72 pixels/inch
  4. Size the file as needed
  5. File | ExportAs | rename file with _72.jpg (quality 80 or less)

Creating a Thumbnail for the Web (Adobe Photoshop)

  1. Open the _72 image
  2. Image | Scale Image
  3. Change the widest dimension (height or width) to 1 inch
  4. File | ExportAs | rename file with _t.jpg (quality 80 or less)

On your phone, try Snapseed!


  1. Scan at 300 dpi
  2. Rename the photo
  3. Edit in GIMP as appropriate
  4. Image | Scale Image (72dpi, set size)
  5. File | ExportAs
This page maintained by bobh@hesston.edu