BuCS 123 Web Authoring and Publishing

Spring 2020 Course Syllabus

Mission statement

Hesston College, a college of Mennonite Church USA, educates and nurtures each student within Christ-centered community, integrating thought, life, and faith for service to others in the church and the world.

Course Information

FACULTY:           Bob Harder

OFFICE:            K102 (Kropf Center)
OFFICE HOURS:      MWF 11/2, T 3
TELEPHONE:         620.327.8322 (x8322)
EMAIL:             bobh@hesston.edu

CLASS TIME:        10:00-10:50 MWF
CLASS ROOM:        K130 CIT Computer Lab

CREDIT HOURS:      3 credits

COURSE WEB SITE:   http://cs.hesston.edu/

Optional Textbook/Instructional Resources

Castro/Hyslop. HTML and CSS, 8th edition, Peachpit Press, 2014
A looseleaf notebook is useful for organizing course handouts, notes, and generated materials

Catalog Description

BuCS 123 Web Authoring and Publishing introduces students to HTML5 (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS3 (Cascading Stylesheets), text and graphical editors and server- and client-side technologies. Students will be able to create web pages that contain text, graphics, links, tables, forms and scripts. Prerequisite: none.

Hesston College Outcomes Addressed in this Course

  1. Persons with intellectual and practical skills
    1. Written, oral and visual communication
    2. Information literacy

Course Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Define and identify common web page publishing terms and technologies.
  2. Apply basic web page publishing concepts and principles.
  3. Design and create web pages using current technologies.
  4. Identify and resolve web page syntax and logic errors.
  5. Demonstrate an awareness of legal and ethical issues related to creating and publishing web pages.

Course Assessments

Hesston College Outcome Course Outcomes Assessment Activity
1 a,c1, 2, 3, 4Assignment 1
1 a,c1, 2, 3, 4Assignment 2
1 a,c2, 3, 4Assignment 3
1 a,c2, 3, 4Midterm
1 a,c2, 3, 4Assignment 4
1 a,c2, 3, 4Assignment 5
1 a,c2, 3, 4, 5Assignment 6
1 a,c2, 3, 4, 5Final Exam

Evaluation Policy / Grading Scale

Assignments 50%   100 - 90% A
Midterm 20%   89 - 80% B
Professionalism10%   79 - 70% C
Final Exam20%   69 - 60% D
     less than 60%NC

Late assignments will not be accepted unless approved in advance. All non-group assignments are to be completed individually. Midterm grades will be evaluated based on the current class grade.

Professionalism is a vital trait in the business community. All Computer Science/Computer Information Technology students are assumed to be professionals and will start with 100 points (10% of the final grade). A first instance of unprofessional behavior will result in a verbal warning. A second instance will result in a written warning and the loss of the 100 professionalism points. The class instructor has the option of returning some or all of the professionalism points at the end of the course if consistent professional behavior is subsequently exhibited.

Attendance Policy

Students are excused for college-approved group activities such as scheduled games for athletic teams, scheduled music and drama programs and trips, Student Life RA retreats, and academic activities including professional conferences and field trips. Students are not excused for practice in any sport; for music or drama rehearsals; or for service activities not part of a class-organized experience for credit. Doing so would count as an unexcused absence.

Students are responsible for class work regardless of the type of absence and should normally complete missed work in the week following the absence. Students are responsible to initiate contact with each instructor whose class the students will miss or have missed. For planned absences, this should occur in the week prior to the absence. For absences due to college-approved group activities, students must complete and submit all assignments on or before the due dates for all classes that will be missed.

Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class period. After one absence week, each additional absence week not approved in advance may result in a one-letter grade reduction. Unless approved in advance, two late arrivals will count as one absence for grading purposes. As per Hesston College policy, students missing 20% or more of the scheduled meetings of a course, regardless of the number of excused/unexcused absences, may be subject to administrative course withdrawal. The Hesston College Vice President of Academics, and the college’s Student Support Team all have weekly knowledge of your class attendance records.

Administrative Course Withdrawal

Students are expected to attend all classes, complete assignments on time and behave in a manner appropriate for a college classroom. A student who fails to complete assignments, repeatedly disrupts class and/or misses class sessions for a course may be administratively withdrawn from the course. If opportunity remains for a student to pass the course, an instructor may initiate a request to the Student Success Team (SST) for a plan of improvement. Should the conditions of the plan not be met, the registrar may withdraw the student from the course in consultation with the instructor, academic advisor and the financial aid office. This action may occur at any point during the term. The student will be contacted prior to such action.

Students missing 20% or more of the scheduled meetings of a course, regardless of the number of excused/unexcused absences, may be subject to administrative course withdrawal. The grade assigned will be a W prior to the withdrawal deadline or a NC after the withdrawal deadline. Instructors are responsible for documenting individual attendance records online, warning students with excessive absences, and communicating actions with the registrar. Instructors still have discretion to allow a minimal number of unexcused absences and to adjust letter grades according to their own course policy.

Students with Disabilities

Students who have qualified disabilities covered through the Americans with Disabilities Act and who desire special assistance should contact Kristin Kaufman (x8213), Disability Coordinator, for assistance at the earliest possible time. While the coordinator will contact the instructor concerning requests for assistance, the instructor would appreciate if you would notify him/her that you have made a request for assistance, so that your needs may be accommodated.

Statement on Academic Dishonesty and Plagarism

Academic dishonesty, including plagiarism and cheating, will not be tolerated. Students are responsible for knowing what constitutes these offenses and must not engage in them in their work. Any student committing such offenses will be referred to the Student Success Coordinator and reported to the Vice President of Academics. Penalties for such activities include: a zero for the assignment (first offense), an NC for the course to dismissal from Hesston College for subsequent offenses. For further information regarding this policy, refer to the Hesston College Course Catalog.

Statement on Confidentiality and Mandatory Reporting

As a professor, one of my responsibilities is to help create a safe learning environment on our campus. I also have a mandatory reporting responsibility related to my role as a professor. It is my goal that you feel able to share information related to your life experiences in classroom discussions, in your written work, and in our one-on-one meetings. I will seek to keep information you share private to the greatest extent possible. However, I am required to share with the Title IX coordinator information regarding sexual misconduct or information about an incident that may have occurred while at Hesston College. Students may speak to someone confidentially by contacting our non-mandatory reporters: Campus Counselor and Campus Pastor. Information on keeping our campus safe can be found on the Hesston College website.

Classroom Expectations

Texting, Internet browsing, messaging, emailing, or gaming during class is inappropriate and unprofessional. Your behavior becomes part of your final grade.

Other Course Requirements and Information

Before each class, students are expected to:

  1. Check the course schedule for assignment due dates.
  2. Complete assignments and homework by the due date.
  3. Notify your instructor in advance if you can’t attend or will be late. Otherwise, be on time.

The ACCESS lab (x8213) is located in the library and is available for study and learning support. Tutors are available to you at no charge. Contact your instructor if you would like to use this excellent service.

Prepare yourself to invest an average of 6 hours per week in additional study. Total study time estimate for this class: 90 hours. A table showing the Course Schedule and the approximate study time per assignment and per week is included in the print version of this syllabus.


The dynamics of the course or a change in certification requirements may necessitate a change in the syllabus at the discretion of the instructor.