Computer Programming II
Programming Assignment 0 - gasprice.cpp *


Write a program to compute monthly gas usage.

Input / Output

Enter monthly mileage  : 9999
Enter miles per gallon : 99.9

You spend $ 999.99 a month on gas!


Get the current average price of gas from the internet or from a local gas station and use it as a constant in your program.

Create your program documentation in a Notepad document called gasprice.txt.

Create a standard program header as follows:


     COURSE        : BuCS 238 Computer Programming II

     ASSIGNMENT    : 0
     PROGRAM       : gasprice.cpp
     PROGRAMMER    : Your Name

     DESCRIPTION   : Program description goes here.

     COMMENTS      : as needed

     LAST MODIFIED : date

Comment your program for readability and ease of maintenance.

Be sure to test your program thoroughly!


Place your documentation file and your source file in your H:\CP2\GasPrice project folder by the due date. There is nothing to hand in.

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