Lists and Tables
- Correct any errors from Assignment 2.
- Create a new web page for this assignment in your W: called tables.htm.
- Create an external style sheet for this assignment in your W: called tables.css.
- Put a link to Assignment 3 on your index page to make it easy for your instructor to find.
- Using header tags, divide your page into three parts: Basic Lists, Definition Lists, Tables.
- Create an unordered list of days of the week from Monday through Friday.
- Under each day of the week, create an ordered list of the classes you currently
attend on that day. This will make your list a nested list.
- Create a definition list to include the following table tags:
table, tr, td, th, colgroup, col, thead, tbody, tfoot. Include
your own description of what each of these tags does.
- Style both your lists using a combination of list attributes and CSS. Include color.
- Create a table of your week by hour. Days of the week should be columns.
Rows should be one hour time blocks to reflect 24 hours.
Use short descriptions as cell data: for example "class", "study", "sleep" etc.
Use colspan and rowspan attributes in parts of the table.
- Create a header and footer for your table. One of these should contain an image.
- Style your table using a combination of table attributes and CSS.
This assignment will be graded on the web. There is nothing to hand in.
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